Flowers in Artichoke Vase Centerpieces

If you are planning to include vegetables in your wedding decorations, don’t forget artichoke. In this post I will feature artichoke as vases for floral arrangement. Artichoke does not only add a fresh green touch to your arrangement but is also very sturdy and can last for a long time. Making artichoke vases is the same as making artichoke candle holders. You only need to cut off the bottom and the top of the artichoke, then remove the heart, place a wet foam inside and you are ready to go!

The fresh green of the artichoke and bright red of dahlias create a nice contrast. Some lavender calms the whole look and gives the centerpiece a romantic touch and scent.

dahlia lavender artichoke vase centerpiece

Some flowers from the backyard in artichoke vase make a casual yet attractive centerpiece.

artichoke vase centerpiece

Photo credits (from top): Celebrations | Alexandra Thayer Stewart

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